Tickets for the Forum Theatre Intensive are now on sale! Check our courses page for details...

Are you keen to use Forum Theatre, but nervous about how to facilitate it? Or are you already a facilitator of groups interested in honing your skills and finding new approaches?

One of the least taught aspects of the Theatre of the Oppressed is the skill of ‘jokering’ (facilitating) sessions of Forum Theatre. The vital task of the Joker is to stimulate audiences (‘spect-actors’) to take part in the Forum and to keep the debate moving in an engaging and entertaining way; there is nothing worse than audience participation which feels forced or unnatural.

Over two days, using a couple of basic Forum models, participants will learn a number of shortcuts and tricks to help manage the sometimes high-wire job of guiding a Forum theatre session both safely and in a way which will get the most out of whoever is in the room.

If you would like to take up a place on this course, please register your details in the sign up form below as an expression of interest and we will be in touch with a booking link once a date is scheduled.

In a deck of cards, the jokers do not belong to any suit. In TO, the Joker is inside, outside and in between. The Joker is with the spect-actors in support of their actions and exploration, while also stepping out to identify biases or problematise ideas that magically escape reality.

Just a few common challenges we will tackle are:

  • Framing open questions

  • Getting people on stage

  • How to make sure loud voices don’t dominate

  • Managing conflict in the moment

  • How to hold open discussion and debate in a creative and positive way

All participants will have the opportunity to experience the Joker role. This workshop will be useful to anyone who facilitates with groups or in public, not only within the confines of Forum Theatre. Though the workshop is focussed on Forum Theatre, the techniques for soliciting participation are super-transferable.

Perhaps most importantly, through this masterclass participants will find their own particular style, an approach which matches their personality and the nature of the constituency they work with. Not only will they come away with numerous devices to use in a multitude of situations, but an increased confidence for facilitation with flair and care.

Who: This workshop will be led by Adrian Jackson, who developed his jokering style and skill over 30 years of presenting Forum Theatre shows in homeless shelters, prisons, town halls, churches, day centres and theatres for Cardboard Citizens. His own book, the Art of the Joker, will cover the many tricks and traps of jokering, based on years of falling on his face and standing back up again. Facilitating Forum Theatre can be a joyful experience, and this course will be a good starting point.

Note on pricing: We want this work to be accessible to a wide range of people whilst also paying our practitioners and team a fair rate. If cost is a barrier to your attendance, please get in touch with us via email to talk about your individual circumstances and whether we can help. If you'd like to sponsor a ticket for someone else to attend, please get in touch.

Access: We aim to create a safe, inclusive and accessible space for all participants. Comfort and access breaks will be scheduled. Our space will be wheelchair accessible. If you have other access requirements please get in touch by emailing to discuss how we can best support you.

The Art of the Joker: Forum Theatre Facilitation Masterclass

"Great people, great organisation, keep this going!"

Past Participant

" Brilliant weekend, so glad I attended."

Past Participant