Here we hope to amplify interesting resources from other practitioners, and share the occasional blog post.
As befits a methodology of its enduring influence, The Theatre of the Oppressed in the second decade of the 2000s has spawned many variations, with different specific aims and even in some cases different names. Though the ethos and enduring wisdom of Augusto Boal informs all the forms and manifestations of its practice across the globe, within the broad church of TO there is (appropriately) room for debate and development, according to the contexts and concerns of its practitioners.

During lockdown in 2020/21, Adrian Jackson undertook a series of interviews with distinguished international TO practitioners whilst at Cardboard Citizens. He himself was interviewed as part of this series by leading UK theatre director, Matthew Xia.
Adrian Jackson interview with Julian Boal, 2020.
Produced by Cardboard Citizens
Adrian Jackson interview with Katy Rubin 2020
Produced by Cardboard Citizens
Adrian Jackson interviewed by Matthew Xia, 2020
Produced by Cardboard Citizens
Adrian Jackson interview with Sanjoy Ganguly, 2020
Produced by Cardboard Citizens
Adrian Jackson interview with Kok Heng Leun and Koh Hui Ling. 2020
Produced by Cardboard Citizens
Adrian Jackson interview with Bárbara Santos, 2020
Produced by Cardboard Citizens
From our friends Theatre of the Oppressed NYC and Katy Rubin
The Wildcard Workbook:
A Practical Guide for Jokering Forum Theatre
The Wildcard Workbook is a brilliant resource produced by our friends at TONYC. This +200 page illustrated interactive guide to support creative advocacy and role play facilitation in various contexts. Included is a week-by-week guide, flow charts, games, stories, and more. Written by Sulu LeoNimm, Elizabeth Morgan, and Katy Rubin. Created in collaboration with the Center for Urban Pedagogy (CUP) and design by Shreyas R Krishnan and Kruttika Susarla of SAME SAME BUT DIFFERENT. Made with financial support from the New York Community Trust.
All donations from download go directly to TONYC.